Special Collections duplication services
Some of our Special Collections are only accessible to qualified readers. The public services department may provide the following digital surrogates:
- PDF scans
- High-resolution tiffs
- Digital copies of media such as audiocassettes, VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, and reel-to-reel tapes

We aim to help research
Unable to visit?
We provide duplication services for crucial research materials to help with research needs. Priority is given to requests to help with class papers, theses, or major publications.
Are there limits?
Due to high demand of duplication services, we limit all scanning requests of documents to one hundred pages. For media, we limit requests to ten items.
We reserve the right to refuse scanning of materials if they are fragile or risk getting damaged in the duplication process.
Are there copyright restrictions?
Providing duplication files of documents or media does not constitute permission to publish. It also does not entail the right to reproduce images in print or electronic form.
Please seek copyright permission before any publication or exhibition.
Members of the Stanford community who need further copyright information should feel free to contact the Office of the General Counsel.
Questions about duplication services?
If you have any questions about requesting digital surrogates or copies, please contact the Special Collections office.